Students welcome new school year

photo by Danielle Jahrmarkt

Students gather on August 25 for the first home football game.

After nearly two years, COVID-19 fatigue is gone and students are back in school and ready to learn again. Unlike last year, many students expressed looking forward to getting involved in school activities such as sports, clubs and events.

For the first time in pandemic, masks are gone and classrooms are filled with smiling faces. A sense of normality is returning to students all across campus. 

“I love seeing everyone without their masks, after two years, school is finally starting to feel normal again,”  junior Demarion Klalo said. “Our last two school years involved lockdowns and mask mandates; I’m just glad to know it’s all over.” 

Many students across campus are grateful the COVID pandemic has slowed down, as they faced many obstacles during these past two school years. 

“The mask mandates that were in place last year were the worst,” junior Nicole Grajales said. “I hated wearing a mask in the hot weather.” 

Additionally, regarding academics, students are eager to learn and have goals in mind. Students reported schoolwork became a struggle these past two years but expressed feeling excited and eager to turn around their academics and do their best. 

“My last two years have left me unmotivated to do work, but this year I’m planning on working harder than ever,” senior Dyanna Roviara said.

Students spoke about their work ethic and grades drastically improving as well. 

“Last year, my grades were still not the best,” sophomore Pedro Portales said. “Even though online school was over, I still felt so unmotivated.” 

Klalo echoed this sentiment and spoke about regulating sleep patterns. 

“When I returned back to in person learning, my sleep schedule was not ideal–I had been staying up late prior to my online classes,” junior Demarion Klalo said. “I would constantly lose focus in class after going back to in person learning; I was just so used to being in front of a computer.” 

The upperclassmen are not the only people excited about the new school year; even freshmen have been enjoying this school year so far such as Valeria Baday, who was initially unfamiliar with the school and scared she’d get lost. Within the first few days, however, she memorized her schedule and the majority of the campus. 

 “I was extremely nervous for my first year of high school, but I’ve already made so many new friends,”  Baday said.