Underclass students search for service hours

Students track service hours using this form for submission.
In ninth grade, every student is informed about the 40 minimum community service hours that are needed for graduation. Service clubs are focused mainly on helping students get these hours.
Key Club and Latinos in Action are two such clubs, as most of their activities offer the hours that students are looking for. Plus the school also offers community hours, such as the media center which offers community hours in exchange for the students helping in their study halls.
Havi Marticorena, a freshman, has been focusing on the community hours the school is offering as it is easier for him to do while at school like helping clean at the media center and helping people. He described it as a good opportunity to get the hours easily.
Sophomore Maria Renata Camacho Huélguelo has also been getting her hours at school by helping the teachers.
“It helped me a lot doing it at school as I don’t need to move around and everything,” she said.
Sophomore Isabella Diaz hasn’t been able to find community hours easily, as spaces are full and the ones that are available are at times when she can’t go. She said seniors often get preference for the prime slots such as taking care of animals, festivals and marathons.
Scarlett Hernandez, a sophomore, has been helping in festivals, concerts and even working with cats to get the volunteer hours.
“I have gained experience doing the community hours, as I have learned to work with new people and I really like the experience,” she said.
Freshman Luisa Maria Chaparro Cortes is an example of looking for summer activities as she has seen a lot of opportunities like taking care of animals and being a volunteer in summer camps she is interested in doing.
While community service hours are something required to graduate, students can participate almost everywhere. By doing this they can gain experience working, learning leadership skills, team work, time management and more.