Incoming freshmen ‘invade’ high school

HIP members Catherine Otero, Jenna Sakhleh and Camryn Kreitman all present information to incoming freshmen on the Health Information Project club in April.

The cafeteria is filled with a circle of posterboards that share information on clubs for any topic you could think of, the smell of cupcakes from the culinary club fills the air, and club officers frantically run around trying to get everything ready for the incoming freshmen. The Freshmen Invasion is an event done every year so that incoming freshmen can gain insight into clubs and programs at our school. Incoming freshmen can look into clubs that portray their interests so that they can become members once they become a Wildcat. There are over 100 clubs at our school ranging from honor societies for almost every subject to a culinary club where students can cook their hearts out. Incoming freshmen share what clubs they’re interested in and their hopes and fears on entering high school. 

Incoming freshman Katelyn O’Conner is interested in culinary and forensics because she enjoys baking as a hobby and also loves watching criminal minds during her spare time.

“I’m most excited about getting to wear whatever I want instead of having to stick to a uniform because I’ll be able to express my individualistic style,” Oconner said. “I will admit though, I’m scared of going to such a big school. The school I currently go to is far smaller than Western, so it’s definitely going to take me a while to get used to.”

Incoming freshman Maurizio Bettoli said is looking forward to joining JROTC as he aspires to be in the military and wants to get a glimpse of what it’s like. 

“I’m looking forward to meeting new people in my classes as I hope that I have long life friendships from high school,” Bettoli said. “In all honesty, I’m not really nervous about anything, I’ll worry about something if I need to be worried about it.”

Incoming freshman Alicia Gonzalez plans to follow the law career path so the Aspects of Law club is intriguing for her because she can learn about different law types and other things such as court cases and procedures.

“I’m really happy that I get to meet new people once I enter high school as there will be people from other schools and not just my middle school. I missed out on making friends when my seventh-grade year was online and would really love to make up for that.” Gonzalez said. “This may sound cheesy, but upperclassmen scare me. I’ve seen how they treat freshmen in the movies and I really hope that doesn’t happen to me.”

Incoming freshman Garin Knee found the chorus and drama club intriguing as he enjoys singing and acting.

“I’m excited about all the fun events high school has that do not take place in middle school like spirit weeks, homecomings, football games, Gradbash, and prom at the very end,” Knee said. “Although meeting new people is somewhat exciting, it also makes me anxious because people can be intimidating and I’m scared that they might not like me.”

Junior Rebecca Katz said high school is always portrayed in movies as a scary place, but in reality, it’s not all that bad. She recommended going in with an open mind for all it has to offer.